
20/01/2025, 19:35 - Switched website to dark mode, added backgrounds to various elements, fixed minor inconveniences and about page is now available!

19/01/2025, 22:10 - Added hover animations on multiple elements (tap on mobile!), fixed width problem between changelog, to-do list and links!

19/01/2025, 13:21 - Removed images in the navbar. Added new TO-DO list section! Added logo and made the website more colorful!

11/01/2025, 08:10 - Introduced changelog and my links.

TO-DO list

❀ Fix bugs
❀ Fix marquees
❀ Add text to the about section

❀ About page
❀ Projects page
❀ Diary page
❀ Gear page
❀ Misc. page

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Welcome to my website!

My website is still in its very early stages, also it is my first time creating websites and working with HTML and CSS!!

I do plan to add a calendar in near future!

Only the about me section is open for now.

This website is best viewed on a desktop with a resolution of at least 1920x1080 pixels! Mobile devices are not fully optimized yet!

Last updated (CET)

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